About Us
CorporateHealth.fit is a registered company in the United Kingdom for delivering patient care and treatment. Our team can provide medical services at organisational headquarters and offices, thus providing a bespoke in-house service. As part of our integrated approach with our healthcare consultations, we provide workshop and lunchtime presentations on workplace wellness, nutrition, mental health and mindfulness.
Our Corporate Doctors have rapid access to a wide range of diagnostic and specialist investigations in London. We also have established relationships with local diagnostic services to ensure we receive results as quickly as possible to expedite and optimise patient care.
Our Central London location provides us the ability to secure you an appointment with some of London’s most highly regarded specialists many of whom we can recommend based upon our working knowledge and experience. This allows us the opportunity to select the most suitable consultant to meet your specific healthcare needs.

Common reasons patients come see our team:
- Wellness Health Assessments
- General Practice Consultations
- Occupational Health Assessments
- Mental Health Reviews
- Mindfulness Based Group Workshops
- Nutrition Talks and Consultations
- Wellness Talks and Presentation
Common Private GP presentations include:
- Assessment for acute illnesses e.g. chest infections
- Chronic illness management e.g. Diabetes or high blood pressure (Hypertension)
- Musculoskeletal presentations
- Specialist referral consultations
- Blood test and consultations
- Second medical opinions
- Discrete sexual health screening

Our Vision:
With vast experience of working within the National Health Service (NHS) and in the private medical sector, our team understand and appreciate the difficulties patients face with work-related stress matters and the impact intense working environments can have upon both physical and mental well-being.
Employees are a company’s most important asset, hence we see the importance of wellness programmes for both the employees and the corporate businesses. We believe wellness and preventative medicine are the tools of modern medicine. The concept of wellness has moved on from the days of emphasis upon physical health, to now incorporating mental health, occupational and social prescribing to financial well-being.
The benefits of a wellness programme include:
+ Improved employee engagement
+ Increased positivity
+ Increased productivity
+ Stress reduction
+ Improved interpersonal skills
+ A change in workplace culture